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Caribbean Net News:Commentary: The Greater Caribbean This Week: The Garifunas emerging from oblivion

Caribbean Net News: Commentary: The Greater Caribbean This Week: The Garifunas emerging from oblivion: "The Garifunas are peoples from the colonial period. Their distinctiveness lies in the fact that their establishment did not respond to metropolitan initiatives, since their origin was associated first of all, with the sinking of two black slave ships along the coasts of St. Vincent and with the movement of slaves, who, fleeing from the cruelties of that social system of exploitation, found refuge in the mountains inhabited by the indigenous peoples of that island, and from there they moved on to the neighbouring islands. The move from one island to another was linked to the Garifunas' confrontations with the authorities of various European countries, who sought to reduce them to submission in order to return them to slave labour or hoped to occupy the territories where they were located. "


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