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Showing posts from June, 2009

Latam leaders, PPP condemn coup in Honduras

Kaieteur News : "Cuba’s charge d’affaires, Jorge Rodriguez Hernandez, and Venezuela’s Ambassador Dario Morandy, have come out strongly against the coup that toppled Honduras President Manuel Zelaya on Sunday. The Honduran military arrested President Zelaya at his home and flew him out of the country to Costa Rica."

Pushing the limits - Teacher changes the life of wayward student

Jamaica Gleaner News "Oberlin High School teacher Janet Marshall is wholly persuaded that she has a 'special purpose', as a teacher, to impact the lives of her students for good. It is perhaps no coincidence, therefore, that one of her students is convinced beyond every shadow of a doubt that he owes all his achievements to her faith in him."

'I can't get a job,' says Bill Clarke : "WILLIAM 'Bill' Clarke, one of the island's most accomplished banking executives, says he is unable to secure employment and is being 'ruined economically' as a result of his highly publicised and contentious split with the Bank of Nova Scotia last year."

PM scolds leaders

Nation News "PRIME MINISTER DAVID THOMPSON is disheartened by the responses to his domestic immigration policy coming from regional leaders. Speaking to reporters after opening a play park in Gall Hill, St John, yesterday, he said it had never been his approach to get involved in the internal politics of another country."


Nation News "BARBADIANS can expect a 60 per cent increase in water rates from tomorrow. Acting Minister of the Environment, Water Resources and Drainage, Senator Haynesley Benn, revealed the approved increase by Government at a two-day Water Operators Conference at Divi Southwinds Beach Resort, St Lawrence, Christ Church, yesterday."

St Lucia dysfuntional by design?

St. Lucia STAR : "You think that it’s an accident that the police are always under funded, underpaid, undermanned and struggling to keep up with the issues of the day? You think it’s an accident that the ghettos keep growing and growing, even though there are more schools and more jobs and more businesses and more opportunities than there were 20 years ago?"

Bond Decision for Texas Billionaire R. Allen Stanford to Be Reviewed : "HOUSTON — Texas financier R. Allen Stanford, indicted on charges alleging he swindled investors out of $7 billion, could find out Monday if he will be freed on a $500,000 bond or stay locked up until his trial. U.S. District Judge David Hittner was set to hold a hearing to listen to arguments from federal prosecutors that Stanford, who holds Antiguan citizenship and may have access to hidden vast wealth, is a flight risk."

Suffolk barrister shot in Barbados

Evening Star 24 : "A SUFFOLK barrister has relived the horrific moment he was shot by an armed robber in an exclusive Barbados resort. Regulars to the island, Andrew Thompson and his wife Isobel were walking home from an evening meal when two men demanded they hand over money."

ANTIGUANS INVOLVED...AG hints at widening net in Stanford matter

Antigua Sun Ltd. "Leroy King may only be the first on a list of Antiguans to be named in the financial scandal that crumbled the Stanford empire. That’s according to Attorney-General Justin Simon, speaking to the AntiguaSun yesterday, two days after investor Sir Allen Stanford was ordered to be kept behind bars so his bail hearing could continue today."


Nation News : "THIS ISLAND'S TOURISM SECTOR, already under pressure by the world economic crisis, could be facing another serious external challenge. It's in the form of a new air passenger departure tax to be imposed by the British government from November 1."

Family ambushed

Nation News "AN ARMED BANDIT last Saturday night left a family $60 000 in the red when he made off with their clients' gold. Goldsmiths Simy 'Jennifer' Ragnauth and her fiancé Ramnarayan 'Richard' Kaimraj were held at gunpointin the driveway of their St Michael home around 8:20, moments after leaving their business in Bridgetown."

August general elections in Dominica?

The : "Speculation continues to be rife on Dominica that Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit will call early elections maybe as soon as the first week in August, 2009. While these expectations are not new, they have taken on added significance in recent days."

Bleaching is alive and well in sunny Jamaica : "THE phenomenon of skin bleaching is alive and well in Jamaica. The recent seizure by customs of goods containing a selection of bleaching creams only proves the point. Bleaching is the application of chemicals to the skin to obtain a fairer colour. It may also be referred to as toning."

No crackdown on Guyanese

The Barbados Advocate : "THERE has been no Immigration crackdown against Guyanese and other non-nationals in Barbados and Prime Minister David Thompson has the proof. Eight non-nationals, including four Guyanese, have been deported from Barbados this month, but 177, including 71 from Guyana have had their stays extended, Thompson revealed yesterday."

Issa deposition continues : "SUPERCLUBS chairman, John Issa, asked to give his interpretation of e-mails over which he is suing in a Florida court, said he believed he was accused of running 'not just a whorehouse, but the world's most famous whorehouse'."


The Jamaica Star "One of Kingston's deadliest gangs, the 'Stingers' gang, is once again wreaking havoc on residents from Maxfield in St Andrew and surrounding communities. The last time the notorious group of about 20 men made headlines, they were said to be responsible for cleaning out Barnes Avenue in the community."


Nation News "EIGHT PEOPLE have been deported from Barbados since June 1, when the new immigration policy for non-nationals came into effect - and only four of these were Guyanese. Prime Minister David Thompson disclosed this yesterday saying he was bewildered and disgusted at the 'reckless and grossly unfair' generalisations and slurs levelled against public officers in particular, and Barbadians in general, on the issue of unchecked migration into Barbados."

Forecasters watching tropical wave in Caribbean

WWL "The National Hurricane Center is keeping an eye on a tropical wave currently over the Western Caribbean. Forecasters say the wave has a 30 to 50 percent chance of developing into a named storm in the next 48 hours. The Hurricane Center said but conditions are forecast to become a little more favorable for development once the wave moves into the Gulf of Mexico late Saturday or Sunday."

Disconnected : "ABOUT 20 apartments in an uptown Kingston complex were last night left in the dark after the Jamaica Public Service (JPS) disconnected electricity to the premises, saying the connection was illegal."

Celebs miss MJ

Jamaica Gleaner News "'When I heard that his death wasn't confirmed, the first thing I said was, 'Please, God, let it not be.' Then I started to pray. But it all took me by surprise because I didn't know of him being sick, that it had reached a stage of death."


Trinidad and Tobago's Newsday "How did King of Pop Michael Jackson die? That question won’t be answered for several more weeks, as a Los Angeles coroner yesterday said more tests would be needed to determine the cause of death, even after a three-hour autopsy."


Nation News : "ON EVERY STREET CORNER, inside stores, workplaces and rum shops, on the blocks and beaches across Barbados yesterday, pop star Michael Jackson's sudden passing was the hot topic. As his music heated up the airwaves and fans discussed his life and concluded that he was a star 'gone too soon', many of those who spoke with the SATURDAY SUN remembered the 50-year-old musical legend, who died on Thursday after collapsing at his home in Los Angeles, as the greatest entertainer of all time."

Hospital detains Guyanese patients

The Times of India : "CHENNAI: There was drama at the Frontier Lifeline Hospital here on Friday when 10 children and two adults from Guyana were detained at the hospital for allegedly defaulting on payment of $91,250 (about Rs 45 lakh). They had been brought to the hospital on June 9 for heart surgery by the former first lady of Guyana, Varshinie Singh."

Lack of evidence causing unsolved cases : Henry

Sun St. Kitts "A number of cases relating to murder, attempted murder, wounding and grievous bodily harm incidents remain unsolved. An extensive evaluation and investigation over the figures that the Press and Public Relations Department of the St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force revealed that while some cases have been solved, a number of cases remain unsolved."

Son: She was a hero

Trinidad and Tobago's Newsday "JESUS DANIEL yesterday remembered his mother Camille as a “hero”, who instead of submitting to the demands of two bandits, instinctively drove into the West End Police Station in a bid to save her life and that of a friend who was in the car. “She was like a hero to me,” Jesus, 17, said."

Cops halt card game scam

The Jamaica Star "Three men from Falmouth, Trelawny, who the police claim were operating a scam by allowing unsuspecting persons to win money in card games then robbing them, are now in the custody of the Area One police. The three, who the police allege operated throughout the parish, have not yet been charged. They were arrested on Monday after a female made a report earlier that day that she was tricked."

Stanford Pleads Not Guilty, May Be Released on Bail Today : "Stanford, 59, in handcuffs and wearing an orange prison- issued jumpsuit, entered his plea yesterday before U.S. Magistrate Judge Frances Stacy in Houston. Stacy set bail at $500,000 and required the Texas financier to post a $100,000 deposit in cash. Stanford was returned to jail, at least for the night, to allow prosecutors to file an appeal. Stanford’s lawyer, Dick DeGuerin, said in an interview that his client will likely remain in custody until at least today, because it will take time to gather the cash bond, which Stacy said must be contributed by friends and family and not drawn from Stanford’s funds."

Man shot in Costello Housing Scheme

Kaieteur News : "A 40-year old Costello Housing scheme resident was up to late last night undergoing emergency surgery at the Georgetown Hospital to remove a bullet from his abdomen. The victim, identified as Wayne Richie, was shot at around 21:00 hours by a man who eyewitness said he was familiar with. According to reports, Richie was with some of his friends when a man came up with a black plastic bag in his hand and called him away. There was what appeared to be an argument and Richie attempted to walk away. However, the man became annoyed and called out angrily to Richie. As Richie turned around to respond, a gunshot rang out."

Speechless : "LOS ANGELES, USA (AP) - Michael Jackson, the sensationally gifted child star who rose to become the 'King of Pop' and the biggest celebrity in the world, only to fall from his throne in a freakish series of scandals, died yesterday. He was 50."

'Lucky' escape

Nation News "“They broke in all of my rooms and terrified persons who were not even illegal. One lady was dragged off the toilet and all the urine and stool fell on the floor."


Nation News "MICHAEL JACKSON, the moonwalking former child star who became known the world over as the 'King of Pop', died yesterday. He was 50. Hundreds of people converged on the UCLA Medical Centre in Los Angeles, United States, as word spread across radio, television and the Internet that the superstar and music icon had died."

Official: Antigua arrest in Stanford case

The Associated Press: "ST. JOHN'S, Antigua (AP) — An Antiguan official says the island's former chief financial regulator has surrendered to face U.S. charges that he aided an alleged $7 billion swindle by Texas billionaire R. Allen Stanford. Leroy King is accused of accepting more than $100,000 in bribes to turn a blind eye to the fraud. The official who confirmed Thursday's arrest spoke on condition of anonymity because the person is not authorized to discuss the case."

UNAMCO trail shooting: Employees detained

Kaieteur News : "The police have detained two persons to assist in the investigation into the shooting on the UNAMCO trail that has left a young businessman dead on Tuesday. Sources close to the investigation say that the two men who were at the time traveling with 34 year-old Thakoor Persaud have been taken into police custody."

Deadly cellphone fight : "A student from the Kingston-based Jamaican German Automotive School died in hospital yesterday while another was battling for life last night following a late morning dispute over a cellular phone at the school."

More dumpers caught

Nation News "FOUR MORE ILLEGAL DUMPERS were apprehended by the environmental health department recently. And they suffered the same fate as the one before them - they all had to clean up their mess."

video--second teenager wanted in double murder appear in court

The second teenager wanted in a double murder that took place on Corpus Christi has appeared in court. James had been on the Police most wanted list before he accompanied by his attorney turned himself into Police on Friday. He will answer the charges that are already facing another teenager who is currently on remand at the Bordelais Correctional Facility.

5th H1N1 case in Barbados

Nation News "A 51-YEAR-OLD WOMAN is the fifth confirmed case of Influenza A (H1N1) in Barbados. Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr Joy St John made the disclosure yesterday, noting that the woman 'became ill after returning from an affected country'."

Suspect held in Tecia’s murder

Trinidad and Tobago's Newsday "A NEW suspect was arrested yesterday in connection with the abduction and murder of ten- year-old schoolgirl Tecia Henry. Police said the 30-year-old man was arrested at about 2 pm at his Block 8, Laventille home and up to last night, remained in custody assisting police in their investigations."

Retrial for Larry Achong

Trinidad and Tobago's Newsday "Less than two years after a magistrate freed him, Larry Achong, former PNM government minister and Point Fortin MP, is to be retried on the charge that he cursed a pundit during an anti-smelter meeting in Chatham in 2006."

Decomposed body found behind airport

Kaieteur News : "The sight of a flock of carrion crows flying over trees near the Cheddi Jagan International Airport caused suspicious persons to contact police ranks, who discovered a man’s bloated and decomposed body in a clump of bushes a few yards from the airport fence."

13-year-old girl charged with murder in St Lucia

Taiwan News Online : "A 13-year-old girl in St. Lucia has been charged with murder in a barroom stabbing, police said Tuesday. The defendant was among a group of teenage girls that attacked a woman in a rural section of the eastern Caribbean island on June 13, according to a police statement. Authorities have not released her name because she is a juvenile."

Barbados ‘profiling’ Caricom nationals

Stabroek News "The David Thompson administration’s targeting of Caricom nationals in its crackdown on illegal immigrants is an act of profiling, which Distinguished Professor Clive Thomas says needs to be met with the strongest possible protest. Since the policy was unveiled on May 5 this year Barbados has been severely criticised, but Thompson has defended his government’s actions as a sovereign right, while saying on Sunday that there are “sinister” attempts to tarnish the island’s image."

Indicted billionaire headed to Texas

The Associated Press: "WASHINGTON (AP) — Billionaire R. Allen Stanford was expected back in Texas on Tuesday to face federal charges he ran a $7 billion swindle with his international banking empire. A federal grand jury in Houston has indicted Stanford and six executives of Stanford Financial Group, accusing them of orchestrating the massive fraud by advising clients to buy certificates of deposit from the Antigua-based Stanford International Bank. Stanford was arrested Thursday in Virginia."

Police bust sex ring

Kaieteur News : "After countless reports to this publication from neighbours about a Guyhoc house being used as the venue for a sex ring involving underaged school girls, yesterday the police became involved and five persons were arrested. Three were schoolgirls, aged 12, 13 and 19, while the two men are aged 19. However, after several hours of interactions with the parents and the youngsters, the police were prepared to issue charges of carnal knowledge and statutory rape but that will not happen."

Cabinet breached the law

Kaieteur News : "Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Hydar Ally, along with a team of officials from that Ministry yesterday appeared before the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee to submit to scrutiny and to offer explanations for discrepancies highlighted in the 2006 Auditor General’s report."

Flu scare : "THE education ministry yesterday ordered the closure of all schools in Manchester after what it said was the detection of two cases of the Influenza A H1N1 virus, popularly called swine flu, in two students. The directive triggered a rush by parents to pull their children from schools in Mandeville, the parish capital."

'Don't panic!' - Ministry of Health says school closures in Manchester due to H1N1 cases a mere precaution

Jamaica Gleaner News "The Ministry of Health is insisting there is no need for panic, despite the closure of all 69 primary and secondary schools in Manchester following the confirmation of two cases of influenza A (H1N1) infections. The cases include a student at a preparatory school in Mandeville, where 13 per cent of the school population has reported flu-like symptoms."

Policeman jailed

Trinidad and Tobago's Newsday "POLICEMAN Dale Ramcharan’s job was to uphold the law, protect the innocent and put lawbreakers behind bars. Yesterday, he was sentenced by a High Court judge to two years imprisonment with hard labour after being found guilty of receiving a stolen vehicle. The 32-year-old father of one, of Dinsley in Tacarigua, was also ordered to pay Carol Soobhanath $17,500 in compensation for the stolen car. The punishment was handed down by Justice Prakash Moosai in the Port-of-Spain Third Criminal Court."

Song about Guyanese women creating uproar in Barbados

Stabroek News "Who sleeps in a church dress and petticoat, prepares sardines and biscuits for dinner, covers their bodies in candle grease, snaps like an alligator and calls immigration in matters of a mate? I would give you the answer but I’m afraid that I’d be banned for life from the Land of the Flying Fish. Not that I’m in a hurry to get there after the song “GT Advice” but I’ve heard that the beaches are among the best in the Caribbean. But that’s minor and there is always St. Lucia anyway."

Seven escape from NOC

Kaieteur News : "Police are trying to locate seven juveniles who escaped recently from the New Opportunity Corps (NOC). It is unclear how the juveniles slipped out of the Essequibo facility, but late in the evening on Saturday, routine checks were made and it was discovered that the inmates were missing."


Trinidad and Tobago's Newsday "Catholic priest Father Michael Cockburn said yesterday that while people are fighting and killing each another they are “using the children for the sake of vengeance.” He said children are being subjected to the hands of murderers. “We have to get rid of all this vengeance and retaliation,” he said."


Nation News "DAYS BEFORE CARICOM leaders meet in Guyana for their annual conference, Prime Minister David Thompson has again spoken to the matter of immigration which is expected to engage their attention. He has indicated that misunderstanding the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) and its obligations by member states may have some CARICOM leaders 'mixed up' about immigration policies."

$100-m upgrade for Bath : "Jamaica's famous but beleaguered Bath Fountain Hotel and Spa in St Thomas is to get a $100-million upgrade, while the government pursues companion measures to rid the facility of visitor harassment, the tourism ministry has announced. Believed to house one of the world's most powerful and therapeutic mineral baths, the loss-making hotel has been hit by a growing swarm of touts who run a thriving parallel business in the hills above the state-owned resort in picturesque eastern St Thomas."

GSAT breach - Ministry blacklists examiner for meddling during test

Jamaica Gleaner News "After investigating reports of irregularities during the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT), the education ministry has blacklisted a veteran presiding examiner for interfering with the proceedings and misleading students during the communication task component of the exam. While the ministry admits there was a breach at St John's Primary in Spanish Town, St Catherine, Gleaner sources have revealed that another indiscretion by an invigilator occurred at a Kingston-based primary and junior high school."

Guyanese visitor disappears after walk : "Police are hoping the public can help them locate a 53-year-old woman visiting from Guyana who went missing from her host family's home in Mississauga, yesterday. Parbattie (Pamela) Ramsundar has been visiting friends and family since April, 2009. She went missing from Raindance Cres. last night when she went out for a walk around 5 p.m."

Guns from America fuel Jamaica's gang wars

The Associated Press: "KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) — Ships from Miami steam into Jamaica's main harbor loaded with TV sets and blue jeans. But some of the most popular U.S. imports never appear on the manifests: handguns, rifles and bullets that stoke one of the world's highest murder rates. The volume is much less than the flow of U.S. guns into Mexico that end up in the hands of drug cartels — Jamaican authorities recover fewer than 1,000 firearms a year. But of those whose origin can be traced, 80 percent come from the U.S., Jamaican law enforcement officials have said in interviews with The Associated Press."

Stanford victims see their 'crime movie' turn into horror story : "Victims of the collapse of Sir Allen Stanford's business empire have expressed horror at prosecutors' contention that their savings bankrolled a billionaire's 'personal playground' stretching from international cricket tournaments to Caribbean villas and even a ritzy restaurant, the Sticky Wicket. As many as 28,000 people are thought to have lost a total of $7bn (£4.2bn) through the collapse of Stanford International Bank. About 4,500 are from the US, where the bank had 29 offices. Many others are from the Caribbean and Latin America – Stanford had operations as far afield as Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama and Peru."

Caribbean anger over 'unfair' UK flights tax

Telegraph : "Jamaica's prime minister Bruce Golding and tourism minister Edmund Bartlett last week met House of Lords members and MPs, including Diane Abbott MP. Meanwhile John Maginley, Minister of Antigua and Barbuda and chairman of the Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO), has written to Gordon Brown and Chancellor Alistair Darling urging them to rethink a tax that favours America over Caribbean destinations."

CLICO $20m PNM GIFT How cash-squeezed insurance giant bankrolled 2007 elections....

Trinidad Express "Lawrence Duprey's CL Financial Group provided scarcely imaginable largesse to the ruling People's National Movement (PNM) party in the last general election at a time when it was already on the ropes-short on cash and highly leveraged. The by-then cash-poor conglomerate bankrolled the 2007 election campaign of the Patrick Manning-led PNM party to the tune of some $20 million, according to sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity."


Trinidad and Tobago's Newsday "A 22-year-old father of one has become the country’s latest murder victim. Sterlin Nero, of Upper Rich Plain Road, Diego Martin, was shot and killed early yesterday morning on Ariapita Avenue, a short distance away from Crobar."

Deportee from Barbados has lost hope in her homeland

Stabroek News "An undocumented Guyanese couple in Barbados heard a knock on their door early one morning and then the intruders used a crowbar to wrench it open and soon after they found themselves among others enduring the long wait before being put aboard the next plane back home. A woman who spoke on the condition of anonymity told Stabroek News on Wednesday that she regretted being sent home but will pick up the pieces and eventually move to another country since she has lost hope of accomplishing much in her homeland"

'GSAT unfair!' - Non-traditional high schools feel cheated; most students can barely read or write

Jamaica Gleaner News "EDUCATORS AT non-traditional high schools across the island are facing an uphill battle because of the poor quality of students awarded places at their schools. They argue that the method used to place students who sit the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) is putting them under tremendous strain. Under the present system, the better-performing students are creamed off and sent to the traditional high schools, while the non-traditional high schools are left with students who struggle at the primary level."

Mandville cries 'Murder! Thief' : "MANDEVILLE, Manchester - The good thing was that on this occasion the victim had the last laugh. But for residents of this once sedate Manchester capital, the abduction of a woman in broad daylight in late May by men posing as police was a crude wake- up call that emphasised how criminals had invaded their space."

Vendor shot in chest

Kaieteur News : "Troy De Mathers, 41, of Shirley Field-Ridley Square, West Ruimveldt, last evening survived a brazen armed robbery, but he lost his gold chain while plying his trade as vendor in the vicinity of the Sophia Bus Park. According to one eyewitness, she saw two men scuffling but she only realized the gravity of the situation when she saw one of the men brandish a ‘shine’ gun and then she heard two gunshots ring off."


Nation News "HUGH SPRINGER spent the last hour of his life ministering to a stranger. That was why he arrived at the River Bus Terminal later than usual that Tuesday (June 9) evening, when he was fatally shot at the back of the head by a bullet from a police revolver as he disembarked a route taxi van."

Antigua receiver says Stanford offshore bank lacks cash to pay depositors

Washington Examiner : "SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO — The Caribbean offshore bank at the center of an alleged Ponzi scheme run by Texas billionaire R. Allen Stanford has a 'substantial' shortfall of funds to pay hundreds of depositors clamoring for their money, a court-appointed receiver said Thursday. Vantis Business Recovery Services said it has begun liquidating the Stanford International Bank Ltd. and that the accounts of hundreds of depositors from around the world remain frozen. Vantis, a British accounting company appointed as a receiver by the High Court of Antigua and Barbuda, said the bank's assets are 'significantly less' than its liabilities."

Stanford faces $7bn fraud plot charges : "US investigators alleged for the first time that last year's £20m Stanford 20/20 cricket tournament involving the England and West Indies teams was funded by money the tycoon stole from his empire. The conspiracy claims - including the alleged use of Sir Allen's private jets to courier financial records to be burned at his Caribbean headquarters - add baroque detail to a case that has shocked investors and raised worrying questions about market supervision."

Tears and prayers on Block Eight

Trinidad and Tobago's Newsday "“TECIA’S death must be one of martyrdom.” So said Pastor Peter Regis, one of several spiritual leaders, and motivational speakers who led a prayer session “peace and love” in Laventille’s notorious Block Eight yesterday afternoon. The prayer session followed the brutal murder of ten-year-old Tecia Henry, whose body was found stuffed in a dirt hole on Cook Street on Wednesday, four days after she went missing from her John John home last Saturday"

$25,000 'TAX' PER WEEK - Extortionists 'bleeding' busmen

The Jamaica Star "Some bus operators plying the downtown Kingston to Constant Spring in St Andrew route are being forced to pay extortion fees at four different locations along their journey. Thugs have reportedly been pulling a whopping $25,000 per week from some of the drivers. The four spots, downtown, Cross Roads, Half-Way Tree and Constant Spring have thugs demanding at least $100 from the bus operators every time they stop. The drivers normally make six round trips per day for six days weekly. 'Yu si how times rough? And we affi a let off dem kinda money deh … . It wicked pon wi out ya man,' a bus driver who plies the route told THE STAR."

Still no bail for 'Ninja Man' : "DANCEHALL entertainer Desmond Ballentine, better known as 'Ninja Man', and his son, Jahniel Ballentine, 21, - both facing murder charges - were both denied bail when they appeared in Gun Court section of the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate' Court yesterday. Clayton Dennis and Seymour Samuels who are facing murder charges in connection with the same case, were also denied bail by Resident Magistrate Valerie Edwards, who said the allegations were too serious to grant them bail."

Robbers raid Toyota depot - More than 50 vehicles broken into; company beefs up security

Jamaica Gleaner News - "SENIOR INVESTIGATORS at the Hunts Bay Police Station in Kingston say they are pursuing strong leads into a major break-in at the warehouse of Toyota Jamaica Limited on Spanish Town Road from which parts, reportedly worth millions of dollars, were stolen. Head of the St Andrew South police, Superintendent Delroy Hewitt, told The Gleaner on Friday that thugs dug through a wall at the back of the facility and gained access to the warehouse where scores of new motor vehicles were kept. More than 50 vehicles were broken into and parts stolen."

Antigua: 2 to stand trial for Welsh couple killing

Taiwan News Online : "Two men accused of killing a British couple on the last day of their honeymoon were ordered Friday to stand trial. Chief Magistrate Ivan Walters said prosecutors presented enough evidence, but chastised them for not producing any witnesses in the slaying of Catherine and Benjamin Mullany. Prosecutor Adlai Smith said witnesses would sign their statements later. Avie Howell, 18, and Kaniel Martin, 22, also are accused of killing three other people last summer in unrelated cases."

Boy, 9, becomes first swine flu case in Antigua

Taiwan News Online : "Health officials in Antigua say the 9-year-old son of a professional volleyball player has become the island's first swine flu case. The health department says in a statement that the boy's father recently traveled to Trinidad for a tournament. At least a dozen players including those from Trinidad and Suriname have already tested positive. Antigua said Friday that it is awaiting lab results from four other people."

R. Allen Stanford paid bribes to Antigua official, indictment says

Los Angeles Times : "Reporting from Washington -- Texas financier R. Allen Stanford, accused of defrauding investors of $7 billion, paid Antigua's top bank regulator more than $100,000 to conduct fake audits and mislead U.S. investigators, according to an indictment unsealed Friday. Federal prosecutors said the alleged bribes helped Stanford and colleagues conceal an elaborate Ponzi scheme that lured about 30,000 investors, many in the U.S."

Investigation into chopping continues....

Antigua Sun "The police continue to investigate a chopping incident that occurred at the Wendy’s Nightclub on Tuesday and to date no one has been taken into custody. The 26-year-old Gray’s Farm man continues to nurse injuries he sustained during the altercation. Reports are that the victim received a chop to his hand, which required surgery."

All Saints man detained in stabbing death

Antigua Sun "The police have detained a 32-year-old All Saints man in connection with the murder of Lyndon Browne. The alleged suspect was taken into police custody yesterday morning and is assisting the lawmen with investigations, according to police reports. Browne’s body was found in his Mac Pond, All Saints, home after his wife Holly went home from work. She had allegedly earlier that morning received a mysterious call at lunchtime advising her to go home immediately."

Stanford arrested in US : "Allen Stanford, the Texan billionaire, has surrendered to US authorities and will appear in a federal court in Virginia on Friday. He surrendered after a warrant was issued for his arrest following allegations of massive fraud involving his Antigua bank. Stanford, 59, is expected to be transferred to Houston after his initial court appearance to face criminal charges, a federal official said. He already faces civil charges brought by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)."

Lovelace once again

The Vincentian "Seven years after 12-year-old female pannist, Lokeisha Nanton of Sion Hill, was raped and strangled in her community, memories of the July 2, 2002 horror resurfaced at the Criminal Assizes in the High Court. Almost three years after the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal ordered a second trial, Patrick Lovelace, the man accused of Lokeisha’s murder, is being retried."

Government objects to being placed on US human trafficking report

SVG Today : "KINGSTOWN, St Vincent, CMC - St Vincent and the Grenadines has objected to being placed on the United States government�s State Department watch list for human trafficking. In a statement Thursday morning in Parliament, Prime Minister and National Security Minister Ralph Gonsalves accused the State Department of acting �unfair, wrong, arbitrarily� by placing St Vincent and the Grenadines on the second tier of the trafficking in persons watch list, as it released its ninth annual report on trafficking in persons."

T&T between a rock and a hard place

The Trinidad Guardian : "With the murder rate nearly doubling in two years, National Security Minister Martin Joseph yesterday admitted that T&T was “between a rock and a hard place” as far as trying to reduce the crime scourge. Despite various anti-crime measures in recent years, T&T’s crime situation continues unabated because the environment continues to change, Joseph said at yesterday’s weekly media briefing."


Trinidad and Tobago's Newsday "Little Tecia Henry, ten, was strangled on the very day she went missing. Tecia left her home at Essex Road, off Cook Street, Laventille last Saturday on an errand to a nearby parlour. She never returned home and her body was found at Plaisance Terrace, near Block Eight on Wednesday."

Sophia man shot in neck

Kaieteur News : "Doctors at the Georgetown Public Hospital were last night treating a ‘B’ Field, Sophia man who was rushed to the institution at around 22:00 hrs with a gunshot wound to the back of the neck. The victim, who gave his name as Rudolph Nurse, 34, said that he was walking in the vicinity of Pike Street when a red car drove by. He alleged that at the same time, he heard an explosion and felt a burning sensation at the back of the neck."

Fired up for jobs - Thousands descend on York Park station with hopes of being recruited into brigade

Jamaica Gleaner News "Thousands descend on York Park station with hopes of being recruited into brigade A massive gathering at the York Park Fire Station reflected the state of the economy as thousands of men and women lined Orange Street, downtown Kingston, yesterday in response to a recruitment advertisement placed in The Gleaner."

NEVERTHELESS: Guyanese song stirring up real trouble in Barbados

The Barbados Advocate : "But the truth is the truth. The truth is that them got some Bajan women who believe that Guyanese women thiefing them boyfriends. Them also got many Bajan men ’bout here who say openly that as long as them live them aint want another Bajan woman, them dealing with strictly Guyanese ’cause the Guyanese more loving and does make them feel wanted."

Nurse ready

Nation News "PRISON AUTHORITIES have been placed on full alert following reports of a planned disturbance by inmates at Her Majesty's Prisons Dodds. WEEKEND NATION investigations have revealed that following British documentarian Will Mellor's dismal account of life at the new multimillion-dollar jail in St Philip several weeks ago, prisoners have been planning to stage protest action about conditions there."

Another Caribbean island turns away cruise ship over swine flu fears : "Add Venezuela's Isla Margarita to the list of Caribbean islands turning away cruise ships with suspected cases of the H1N1 swine flu. Pullmantur's 1,350-passenger Ocean Dream arrived as scheduled at the island Wednesday, but most passengers and crew were not allowed to disembark due to an outbreak of flu among crew on the ship."

Abused, frustrated mother killed in accident

Kaieteur News : "Four boys, including a three-week-old, lost their 25-year-old mother at around noon yesterday after she was struck by a car on the East Bank Demerara public road, at Providence. After dropping off her seven–year–old son to school, Mary Sandy, who resided in Providence, was crossing the road opposite the Texaco Gas Station when she was hit by the car, PDD 9467. She died on the spot."

TT’s Influenza A/H1N1 cases jump to 18

Trinidad and Tobago's Newsday "After reporting that TT had seven confirmed Influenza A/H1N1 cases on Tuesday, the Health Ministry yesterday reported that the figure has jumped to 18. This means that TT has the most cases for a Caribbean country while Cuba, Barbados, Bahamas, Dominica has recorded single-digit figures, and the Dominican Republic, one death."


Trinidad and Tobago's Newsday "Gunshots rang out in Laventille when news broke that the body of little Tecia Henry had been found murdered beneath a neighbour’s house yesterday. Tecia’s head was stuffed inside a dirt hole, with her swollen body left protruding under a neighbour’s house, just metres away from her home. Relatives are convinced the girl was raped."

Barbados: Our immigration policy not a matter for others to comment on : "BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (CMC) - Prime Minister David Thompson has spoken out strongly against those Caribbean governments that have commented publicly on his administration's new immigration policy, saying their reaction was hurting the regional integration process more than the policy itself. 'There seems to be a mad rush now for everybody to say something new. I have announced a domestic immigration policy that is not a matter for other Caribbean prime ministers to comment on,' Thompson said,"


Nation News : "THE BROTHER who stashed the property stolen from the visiting Bahamian volleyball team is on remand, while the one charged with stealing the team's gear is expected to appear in court today. And the Bahamian team is singing the praises of the Royal Barbados Police Force for recovering most of their gear."

Chief's score

Nation News : "THE PERFORMANCE of public schools in this year's Barbados Secondary Schools Entrance Examination has been underestimated. This charge came from Dr Wendy Griffith-Watson, chief education officer at the Ministry of Education."

Conductor takes two bullets fighting off gunman

Kaieteur News : "A minibus conductor is hospitalized with two gunshot wounds after being attacked by a passenger he had picked up from Agricola last night. Schandel Singh, 35 of Brickery, East Bank Demerara was shot in his right thigh and abdomen when he tried to fight off the passenger who had grabbed the cash he was carrying in his hand."

Squatter plan - TEF approves $1 billion for infrastructural development of informal settlements

Jamaica Gleaner News : "The Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF) has approved $1 billion for infrastructure development in squatter settlements in two of the country's largest resort towns. The island's Second City and tourism capital - Montego Bay, St James, and the cruise ship headquarters - Ocho Rios, St Ann, are to benefit from the injection, TEF chairman Godfrey Dyer told The Gleaner yesterday."

Nurses showdown! : "TWO nursing groups which have split from the umbrella Nurses Association of Jamaica (NAJ) have charged the association with 'professional jealousy' over a reclassification proposal they say would demote their members."

video--Police commissioner answers threats

Police Commissioner Ausbert Regis says action will be taken against the men who issued what he says are threats against the Police. The Commissioner is responding to a story on the HTS Newscast last evening. He says the men who issued the threats and the media house that carried it are liable to prosecution.

New charges for Antigua slaying suspects

Taiwan News Online : "Two men charged in the slaying of a British couple in Antigua last year must stand trial in a separate killing on the Caribbean island, a judge ruled Tuesday. Kaniel Martin and Avie Howell stand accused of killing the honeymooning couple from Britain in their vacation cottage in July. But authorities have also charged Martin and Howell with killing three other people last summer in separate incidents. Chief Magistrate Ivan Walters ruled that there is enough evidence to try the men in one of those cases."

Guyanese are being raided in Barbados'

Stabroek News, Guyana By Stabroek staff | June 17, 2009 in Local News The Guyanese man who was asleep when Barbadian immigration authorities knocked on his door on Friday last is back in Guyana and says he has “no regrets”, and he is already working on a business investment ..."

ST. LUCIA: Businessman killed as criminals declare war on police

Dominica News Online "CASTRIES, ST Lucia, CMC - Police have arrested five people after gunmen stormed the home of a 56-year-old businessman, killing him and injuring four others in the west coast village of Anse-La- Raye on Monday night. Police Commissioner Ausbert Regis said that the murder of Ramchan Adjodha appears to be linked to the spate of recent killings in the capital and was confident that the police would “bring this matter to a speedy conclusion”."

Tears for baby Isaiah

Trinidad and Tobago's Newsday "Regis said his tears are being shed for his newborn son Isaiah, who will spend the rest of his life never knowing his mother, never hugging or kissing her and also for his wife, who will not be around to see her sons — 16-month-old Malachai and four-day-old Isaiah, grow up."

Man impersonates police rank, lands in jail

Kaieteur News : "Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson yesterday refused bail to a man who appeared in her court for impersonating a police rank. It is alleged that on June 13, last, Leon Thomas impersonated a police rank. He approached Nezam Khan and Subesh Sam telling them that he was a police officer, knowing his claims to be false."

'Don't tell Omar' : "Rodney Chin, a former accused in the Cuban light bulb scandal turned State witness, is contending that he was only a front man for the Universal Management Company (UMC) and that former junior energy minister Kern Spencer was the real owner of the firm, which was contracted in 2006 to distribute free energy-saving bulbs that wound up costing the country over $100 million. According to Chin, Spencer on more than one occasion told him not to tell the then finance minister, Dr Omar Davies, that he (Spencer) was involved in establishing or running the company."

Parika under siege

Stabroek News "Residents demand increased security after rampant robberies Following a spate of robberies over the past few months, Parika residents are calling on the authorities to beef-up security in the area, saying the few ranks that are stationed at the Parika Police Station are inadequate to cope with activities at the busy port of entry."

Gitmo Four: 'Give us a chance'

Gitmo Four: 'Give us a chance' : "The four freed Guantanamo Bay prisoners said today they hope to stay in Bermuda forever and lead 'peaceful, prosperous and beautiful lives'. The quartet - facing the media at their Hamilton Parish guest house - insisted they were not and had never been members of any political or terrorist group."

2 murders over weekend

News Dominica "A 14-year-old is in police custody after the stabbing death of a 42 year old man, who died after being stabbed in the chest in Mahaut on Friday evening. And a 26 year old Pointe Michel man was shot in the chest in Grand Bay on the weekend. Two men are assisting police."

Maya draw battle lines at Battlefield Park

Amandala Online : "The rumblings of dissent among the Maya people of Toledo over a movement to have their lands formally acknowledged by the government as inherited property, but blocked off as communal parcels rather than individual lease lands, swelled on the grounds of the Battlefield Park today."

NO MONEY, NO WORK... Airport contractors down tools because of non-payment

Antigua Sun : "The airport development project has come up against another hurdle that has threatened to cause a severe delay in its completion. The contractors Andrade Gutierrez (AG) are refusing to continue with the major expansion work of the facility until they are paid. 'We’ve been served with a halt notice by the contractor pending payment,' Ken Hurst, chief executive officer of the Antigua and Barbuda Airport Authority, explained to the AntiguaSun."

Husband stops autopsy

Trinidad and Tobago's Newsday "GRIEVING New Grant man Patrick Regis, whose wife Judith, died on Saturday after giving birth to a healthy baby boy via Caesarian section, yesterday intervened and stopped a post-mortem from being performed on his wife’s body."

‘Last chance’ was fatal for La Jalousie victim

Stabroek News "About a month before she was brutally slashed to death by her former partner, Omwattie Kallicharran and her relatives had made the last of a long list of reports to the police about his threats. Omwattie Kallicharran Omwattie Kallicharran He was later arrested but begged police and with the family’s consent they decided to give him a chance."

Time to vote - PNP seeks to break JLP's historical hold on North East St Catherine seat

Jamaica Gleaner News "History will be against the People's National Party (PNP) today when it goes in search of the votes it will need to capture the North East St Catherine seat. With 18,289 persons on the voters' list, and political observers expecting no more than 60 per cent to cast their ballots, the PNP already knows what it will have to do to ensure that its candidate, Granville Valentine, emerges with a victory."

Tough road laws : "The National Road Safety Council (NRSC), worried by high road fatalities and the heavy cost they inflict on the country, is advocating the seizure of uninsured motor vehicles by the police and that motorists with outstanding traffic tickets be blocked from all transactions with the Government until the tickets are paid."


Nation News : "A LUXURY CRUISE LINER carrying 43 crew members exhibiting 'flu-like symptoms' was denied entry into the Bridgetown Port yesterday. The DAILY NATION understands that Ocean Dream, which forms part of the Carnival Cruise Line, had samples taken from those sick crew members while in Curacao and sent to The Netherlands."

Men must be going crazy

Kaieteur News : "This past week made for horrible reading if only because of the nature in which people were being killed and the fact that these people were women who had shared relationships with their killers. I happened to be doing my morning jog when I got a call that a woman had been killed on West Demerara. The caller was someone who provided me with a lot of information about the goings-on in that part of the world. He would call me in the dead of the night to tell me about robberies and about other crimes."