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Should the Caribbean be wary of Chinese goods? - JAMAICAOBSERVER.COM

Should the Caribbean be wary of Chinese goods? - JAMAICAOBSERVER.COM: "The quality of Chinese goods has come under great scrutiny of late with many markets, more particularly the United States and Europe, deeming many Chinese products substandard and in many cases dangerous to the consumer.
With China looking increasingly to the Caribbean and its balance of trade with the region increasing year-on-year, should the Caribbean be wary of Chinese goods?"


Trinidad and Tobago's Newsday : :
No fewer than a total of 500 Chinese construction labourers are in Trinidad and Tobago at ... At the first stops, the Chinese Embassy, Immigration Office,,60612.html - 20 Jul 2007
Tobago News, Tobago Newspaper, Tobago Business, Tobago Sports ...
Chinese workers are coming to Tobago to carry work on THA construction projects, but before we ... Now to the issue of the week, the Chinese are coming!
Trinidad and Tobago's Newsday : :
Trevor Millett in his book, The Chinese in Trinidad, noted “to pose that kind of ... Within Trinidad and Tobago, this organisation is called the Chinese,45025.html


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